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Medical Leader (non-clinical position)

MED0000NA Requisition #

Description: werewrw

Medical Leader (non-clinical position)

MED0000N8 Requisition #

Covenant Health, in partnership with Alberta Health Services are inviting applications for a Pediatrician to join a dynamic multidisciplinary team in the Foster Care Clinic at the Grey Nuns Community Hospital. This is an outpatient clinical service offering specialist paediatric trauma informed consultation and an ongoing medical home for primary care. The aim is for children and young people to grow in resilience and break the cycle of intergenerational trauma. The successful candidate will...

General Pediatrics

MED0000HI Requisition #

Job Opportunity: The Department of Oncology, Cancer Care Alberta, Division of Medical Oncology at the Cross Cancer Institute (CCI), with Alberta Health Services is accepting applications for a full-time Hematologist/Medical Oncologist with expertise/training in management of lymphoma and myeloma. This position is based at the Cross Cancer Institute (CCI) in Edmonton. The successful applicant will join a team of multidisciplinary cancer programs and a team of Medical and Radiation Oncologists,.....

Medical Oncology

MED0000LC Requisition #

Alberta Health Services is inviting applications from Family Physicians to join the Royal Alexandra Hospital (RAH) Bridging and Transitions units. The unit is expanding it current bed capacity and is looking to add another team of 4. Patients are transferred to the Bridging Unit from acute care units at the RAH once they are considered to be medically stable but requiring prolonged admission, often for placement or social issues. Patients are admitted to the Transition Unit from the community...

Family Medicine (Community/Primary Care)

MED00009L Requisition #

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