AHS and CPSA Sponsorship Opportunities

Alberta Health Services (AHS) has traditionally been the sole entity in Alberta providing sponsorship for physicians undergoing practice readiness assessment (PRA) through the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta (CPSA).


A practice readiness assessment (PRA) is the required final step of an alternate path to independent practice in Alberta for International Medical Graduates (IMGs) who do not have complete Canadian credentials.


These assessments are mandatory for physicians aiming to register on the Provisional Register, thus becoming eligible to practice in Alberta.


The CPSA has expanded its sponsorship capabilities, offering an alternative route for physicians seeking sponsorship. Should you wish to explore this avenue, please visit the CPSA website for more information.



AHS role in Sponsorship

AHS strategically encourages physicians to consider communities across the province where there is the most pressing need for medical professionals. Furthermore, alongside sponsoring positions for physicians joining our healthcare facilities, AHS may also support recruitment endeavors within private medical clinics.

Guidelines for Sponsorship

The process considers the following sponsorship requirements:

·         No Family Medicine positions will be sponsored in Urban Calgary or Edmonton, except under unique circumstances;

·         Rural Family Medicine positions will be considered on a case-by-case basis, depending on identified need of a particular community;

·         Specialist positions will be considered on a case-by-case basis;


For more information on criteria for Family Medicine and specialist criteria please refer to this document


AHS acknowledges that the medical workforce, and the needs of Albertans are complex. Additional indicators and considerations are included within the sponsorship request forms.


If you have any further questions, please refer to this FAQ.

If you have read the content above and still wish to proceed with a request, please click the button below: 

Submit a Request